Endodontic Treatment

Endodontic treatment, commonly called a root canal, is often burdened by a stigma of discomfort and distress. However this treatment could help save your teeth from extraction or other more serious health problems in the future. Dr Gerard Tang’s Eastwood dental practice has in-depth expertise in this area.

To understand a root canal procedure, it is always good to know a little bit about the anatomy of the tooth. Inside the tooth, under the white enamel and a hard layer called the dentin, is a soft tissue called the pulp. The pulp comprises of blood vessels, connective tissue, and nerves, and is what helps the root of your tooth to grow. However, in a fully developed tooth, the tooth can survive without the pulp because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it. Endodontic treatment may become necessary when the pulp becomes inflamed or infected. The inflammation or infection can have a variety of causes such as:

  • Deep decay or gum disease
  • Repeated procedures on the tooth
  • Faulty crowns
  • Crack or chip in the tooth
  • Trauma to a tooth may cause pulp damage even if the tooth has no visible chips or cracks

If pulp inflammation or infection is left untreated, this can cause pain or lead to tooth extraction; this is why endodontic treatments can be so important.

    Restore your oral health with our Eastwood dental surgery’s precise endodontic treatment…

    We treat severe tooth decay

    One of the most common reasons for extraction is severe tooth decay. This is one of the most regular concerns we face at our Eastwood dental surgery. This condition is extremely volatile and leaves the remaining teeth open for infection. Severe tooth decay will usually be an indicator that the inner tooth (tooth pulp) is infected. This tooth pulp supplies nutrients to the teeth and keeps them healthy and strong. If the tooth pulp becomes infected the tooth will start to die and this infection can spread through the blood stream to the remaining teeth.

    We can save you from severe gum disease

    Tooth decay usually comes hand in hand with some form of gum disease. Infection of the gum usually begins as plaque build-up that gradually irritates and inflames the gums (gingivitis). If the infection starts to cause the gums to recede and peel away from the tooth (periodontitis), it can result in the extraction of teeth. Dr Gerard Tang and his Eastwood dental team are well-trained in delicately managing gum disease. The gums serve to hold the teeth in place, cushion them, and protect the tooth pulp from exposure, and so it is vital that gum disease be treated precisely, extensively, and professionally.

    We can heal your cracked teeth

    Cracked teeth are known to be demonstrated by a variety of symptoms, including irregular pain while chewing and during the release of biting pressure. You might also experience pain when your tooth is exposed to extreme temperature. Frequently, the pain comes and goes, which can make it difficult to locate which tooth is causing the discomfort. At Dr Gerard Dental Surgery, our Eastwood dental professionals can assess your mouth to treat your teeth with our endodontic treatments to help relieve pain caused from cracked or decaying teeth.

    Our Eastwood dental practice can eliminate the need for extraction…

    Endodontic treatment can restore your oral health and help save your infected tooth from requiring extraction. By cleaning your teeth you could be saving yourself from losing a tooth all together. This is why both the intensive, delicate, yet careful endodontic treatment delivered at our Eastwood dental practice must be coupled with education about day-to-day oral care. At Dr Gerard Dental Surgery we want to help restore your oral health and save you from the potential problems that can occur from infected tooth pulp.


    02 9804 8382


    Suite 1/148-150 Rowe St
    Eastwood, NSW
    Australia 2122

    Opening Hours

    Mon: Closed
    Tues & Thurs: 9am to 6pm
    Wed: 10am to 2pm
    Fri: Closed
    Sat: 9am to 1pm
    Sun: Closed

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