Endodontic Treatment Can Help Save Your Tooth at Dr Gerard Tang Dental Surgery

Do you suffer from severe toothache or sensitivity? It might be time to get an oral health evaluation to determine the cause of your pain…

At Dr Gerard Tang’s Eastwood dental Surgery we receive many Eastwood residents into our surgery that are experiencing toothaches and sensitivity. Under healthy conditions, teeth are not meant to feel increased degrees of sensitivity or ache so if patients are experiencing a degree of discomfort and pain then they are most likely suffering an oral related health problem. We find that those who are suffering severe toothache and sensitivity can possibly be suffering pulpitis, a deteriorative disease that can risk not only the health of your infected tooth but the rest of your teeth as well.

What is pulpitis?

Pulpitis is the infection and/or inflammation of the tooth pulp. Every tooth is made from three layers of matter –enamel, dentine and pulp. The tooth pulp is the most sensitive and softest part of the tooth that contains blood vessels, nerve endings, connects the teeth to each other and supplies teeth with nutrients. The only way that tooth pulp can become infected via the microbial conditions inside the mouth is by the erosion of enamel and dentine or via deteriorative gums disease that exposes the tooth roots. The dentine, enamel and gums all act as barriers in the protection against bacteria for the tooth pulp and in the event of infection the only course of action is to visit our Eastwood dental practice and remove the pulp before the infection causes the tooth to die.

Endodontic treatment is one of the safest ways to prevent the pulpitis from spreading…

This involves the removal of tooth pulp from the tooth via a small incision through the enamel and dentine.

Would you like to find out more about our endodontic treatment? You can call us today on 02 9804 8382.



Pulpitis can be divided into two categories to define its severity:

  • Reversible Pulpitis: is a mild inflammation of the tooth pulp and can be treated by a dental professional to avoid pulp extraction.
  • Irreversible Pulpitis: is a severe inflammation of the tooth pulp and cannot be treated because the tooth pulp is unlikely to recover. The swelling inside the tooth will cause the tooth pulp to restrict the blood supply to the tooth and the tooth will slowly die. If this is identified in its early stages our Eastwood dental endodontic treatment will be able to alleviate the swelling.

It is incredibly important to recognise the signs and symptoms of pulpitis in order to receive appropriate treatment in its early stages:

  • Tooth Decay
  • Exposed tooth roots
  • Tooth Fractures and Cracks
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Swelling and throbbing sensation
  • Spontaneous pain
  • Raging toothaches

This treatment safely removes the infected pulp (pulpitis) from the tooth leaving the empty tooth in place. The empty tooth is then sterilised and filled with a filling to prevent bacteria from entering the tooth once the pulpitis has been removed. By removing the infected pulp the risk of the infection spreading to adjacent teeth is reduced considerably and if the pulpitis were to cause the pulp to start to decay then the tooth itself would have become at risk and would have then needed to be extracted.

At Dr Gerard Tang’s Eastwood Dental Surgery, endodontic treatment can make a huge difference between saving a tooth and extraction…

Your oral health is our priority, and if anything were to cause a threat to your remaining teeth and your oral health then Dr Gerard Tang and his Eastwood dental team would utilise any treatment options possible to avoid extraction. If we are able to keep your natural teeth we will use the appropriate measures to keep them and endodontic treatments is a consistently proven method for eliminating the need for extraction if the pulpitis is caught in its earliest stages. We have helped many of our Eastwood patients restore their teeth and alleviate pain and toothache with endodontic treatment and remove the threat of pulpitis from their teeth.



02 9804 8382


Suite 1/148-150 Rowe St
Eastwood, NSW
Australia 2122

Opening Hours

Mon: Closed
Tues & Thurs: 9am to 6pm
Wed: 10am to 2pm
Fri: Closed
Sat: 9am to 1pm
Sun: Closed

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